RJF M&A Advisory Services

Our main business includes advisory and support in the:

  • sale of 100% equity stakes
  • sale of majority equity stakes
  • sale of minority equity stakes
  • purchases of equity stakes
  • recapitalizations of companies

Naše storitve


Sale of the company

Services within the scope of company sales

  • sale of the company on behalf of the owner
  • defining the sales strategy
  • advice on the value of the company,
  • preparation of all necessary documentation
  • market analysis and access to AICA's international investor base
  • identification of potential investors
  • management of communication and organization of meetings with potential investors
  • a selection of the best non-binding offers,
  • participation in negotiations and selection of the best investor
  • consulting at the final stage of the sales process

Company acquisition

Services in the context of the purchase of a company

  • purchase of a company on behalf of the owner
  • defining the sales strategy
  • advice on the purchase value of the target
  • preparation of all necessary documentation
  • market analysis and access to AICA's international investor base
  • identification of potential targets
  • management of communication and organization of meetings
  • a selection of the best non-binding offers,
  • participation in negotiations and selection of the best target
  • consulting at the final stage of the purchase

Strategic partner search

Services encompassed in the search for a strategic partner

One of RJF's advantages when selling/buying a business is access to an exclusive investor database and the international AICA network, where they publish the sale/purchase profile of a business.


Recapitalization of a business

Services within recapitalization

RJF's services offer the opportunity to organize the businesses' recapitalization process and obtain a suitable strategic partner. With a strategic partnership and the sale of an equity stake, the business can ensure diversification of assets, liquidity improvement, lower the financial risk of your business performance and gain greater strategic strength with the support of a strategic partner.


Informal valuation

Based on provided information about your specific business, we can create an informal valuation, where you will receive approximate information regarding the value of the business on the cut-off date.

Fill out the form for a free informal valuation.

Naše prednosti

Zakaj izbrati RJF?

Smo svetovalno podjetje specializirano za M&A (prodaje in nakupe podjetij), osredotočeno na stranke. Naše stranke so uspešni podjetniki. Stvari vidimo z vidika stranke. Pri delu nas vodijo predanost, profesionalnost in želja po zaključitvi posla.

Strankam uspešno svetujemo in jih uspešno vodimo skozi celoten proces storitev, ki jih ponujamo. Naša konkurenčna prednost je kombinacija poznavanja lokalnega okolja in najboljše mednarodne prakse – preko M&A združenja AICA.

Odlikujejo nas hitra odzivnost, podjetniška miselnost in individualni pristop k rešitvam.

Povečujemo vrednost podjetij
M&A team
Globalni partner AICA
Znanje & profesionalnost
M&A "One-stop-shop"
Smo vodilno podjetje na področju M&A svetovanja v segmentu MSP v Sloveniji
15+ let izkušenj
80+ število referenc
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